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書名 出版資訊
Becoming Justina (novel) Draft2Digital. (2021)

Bound Feet: Stories of Taiwan in Transition

Bookman Press, Taipei. (2019)

To the Brink and Beyond, Taipei (poetry).


Communities of Imagination: Southeast Asian Contemporary Theatre

University of Hawai’i Press. (2012)

Actors are Madmen and Spectators are Fools: Taiwan Theatre 1988-98(做戲瘋,看戲傻:十年所見台灣劇場的觀眾與表演)

Bookman Press, (theatre, 2000).

Sringara Tales

Bookman Press, (short stories ,1996).

Under the Phoenix Tree

Bookman Press, (novel ,1990).
篇名 期刊
The Kinnari Ecological Theatre Project in Southeast Asia Critical Stages/Scènes Critiques, #26 Journal of the International Association of Theatre Critics
Bring ’em Back Alive: Two Popular Narratives of Wildlife Capture and Their Contemporary Legacies

Euramerica. Vol. 52, No. 3 (September 2022), 373-412. Academia Sinica. THCI

Empathetic Exchange of Censored Scenes: Southeast Asian Theatre’s Bold Experiment New Theatre Quarterly, Vol. 38 (4). November. 2022 AHCI
Tiger in the Garden, Elephant at the Gate: Three Zoonimal Narratives

Tamkang Review, Vol. 

51 (2), 3-20
If the Shoe Fits…Wear It! Performance Research Journal, Vol. 25 (6) May 2021
Revival of Cambodia’s “Non-popular” Theatre: A New Focus on Lakhorn Niyea Asian Theatre Journal, Vol. 38 (1) Spring 2021
Cicadas and Cockroaches: Kafka Inside Out in Thailand

New Theatre Quarterly,

Vol. 36 (2) 149-159
Human No-Go Zones: Theatricalizing Unintentional and Intentional Wildlife Sanctuaries Theatre Research International, Vol. 45 (2) July 2020,160-178
Golden Rice and Apples Sliced: Staging GMO Controversy in Snow White and the Apple’s Revenge Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 24 (4)
Four Women in the Woods: An Ecofeminist Look at the Forest as Home Játéktér, November 2019
Poems Ecozona, European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment, November 2019
Being Carmen: Cutting Pathways towards Female Androgyny in Japan and India

New Theatre Quarterly, 34 (4) November 2018, 307-325

“Fools rush in … and succeed: how an outsider’s naivety effected an arts and reconciliation initiative in Indonesia’s Sulawesi Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 23 (4) July 2018



論文主題 書名
Plumbing the Past to Project into the Future Entangled Performance Histories, Routledge
Catalyst and Conduit: A Call for the Bicultural Dramaturge Dramaturgies of Interweaving: Engaging Audiences in an Entangled World, Routledge
Human No-Go Zones: Theatricalizing Unintentional and Intentional Wildlife Sanctuaries Mushroom Clouds: Ecocritical Approaches to Militarism and the Environment in East  Asia, Routledge



論文主題 會議
Regional Solidarity Asian-Studies-in-Asia (AAS), Daegu, Korea
Women in the Woods Association for Literature and the Environment (ASLE), Portland, Oregon
Theatre of Animals and Gods ASEAN-ASLE, Chiang Rai, Thailand
Enriching the Zoo Visitor’s Experience Southeast Asian Zoo and Aquarium Association  (SEAZA) Bali, Indonesia



  • 2015-23 Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grant
  • 2013-2014 Fellowship at Interweaving Performance Cultures, Free University, Berlin
  • 2009-2013 4-year National Science Council Research Grant, Taiwan
  • 2005-2008 4-year National Science Council Research Grant
  • 1995-2023 Annual recipient of Soochow University Publication Award
  • 1999 T. Otto Nall Book Grant, Soochow University
  • 1991-92 Fulbright Dissertation Fellowship, Taiwan

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